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I am forever fascinated by how our bodies communicate with us. Cravings are a way of telling us what’s going on inside. Which is why ‘craving and appetite suppressants’ are a load of shite. The most common struggle I hear is that “I can’t control my sugar cravings.” Although we need some sugar in our diet it’s not sustainable to have uncontrollable cravings for it. Cravings are healthy when we can manage them.

5 reasons you have uncontrollable cravings:

1️⃣You are so busy that you forget to eat for hours in the day (Hey Mamas).

2️⃣You are not getting enough sleep. We usually crave sugar when we are tired, to get that fast energy fix.

3️⃣You are undereating throughout the week.

4️⃣You are following a restricted diet and are unhappy with the food plan Bob gave you. So you binge on a Friday.

5️⃣You are doing long workouts!

5 solutions to the above:

1️⃣Set an alarm to eat every 2-3 hours.

2️⃣Go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night.

3️⃣Eat meals with protein, carbs, fats and fibre.

4️⃣Stop dieting and tell Bob to go f himself.

5️⃣Do shorter workouts no longer than 30minutes.

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