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Sarah Staples of Staples Fitness offers three ways to eliminate bloating, note the difference in these actual before and after photos.News Sports Travel

3 Ways to stop Bloating

Lets talk about bloating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome!

When they said ‘follow your gut’ they weren’t kidding. Since I started following my gut, I’ve discovered so much about myself. It has consisted of a lot of trial and error, mood swings, sleepless nights of tossing and turning, feeling invincible, finally feeling in control of my gut and then tumbling right back to square one. When I finally got an answer from a Doctor here in San Diego that I have I.B.S, I was relieved because now I could find ways to cope with it.

The number one thing that screwed with me is bloating. Especially as a Coach that exercises daily, ‘eats healthy’ and still ends up with a beer belly by the end of the evening, without any of the beer!!

This has caused massive frustration for me over the last few years which leads to even worse bloating, constipation, fogginess and fatigue. I would be training clients and teaching fitness classes and feeling absolutely exhausted before I even started. I was in a mindset of ‘why me’. It wasn’t until I changed that to ‘why not me’ that things started to shift in a positive way. There was moments of ‘why am I so drained, maybe I am in the wrong career. ‘Why I am moody and crying for no reason? Maybe I’m depressed.

It was all because of the stress that was going on in my gut!! I know this now because when I made changes the symptoms started to fade and go from been severe everyday to a tolerably once a week.

Over the last few months I have discovered strategies and ways to except my gut and listen to it, properly.  Here is my top 3:

1. Stopped eating garlic and onions: I was a garlic lover, I still love the smell of it but anytime I ate it I would be gassy and bloat like a beast. I was in denial for a long time about this one but I finally gave it up and saw big changes. Onions is another one to avoid! This isn’t the same for everyone, we all have different triggers but these are the ones that have triggered me. Its a tough one for eating out because garlic is used in so much but don’t be afraid to ask the server, your gut will thank you!!

2. Avoid raw foods: we all know that micros matter but my tummy just doesn’t like to digest leafy greens from scratch which is a bit of a mind twist because they are so ‘healthy’. A nice big salad was my go to when eating out but not anymore. So now to get my veggies and fruits in I will either blend them into a smoothie or eat them cooked. One of my most recent fav smoothies is carrots, lemon, apple and orange! Try to make your smoothies at home so there is no unnecessary added sugar.

3. Cut out fake sugars and weird protein bars: a new rule of thumb, if I can’t pronounce it don’t eat it. Sweeteners will cause bloating and are very hard for our gut to digest especially sorbitol and fructose which is in many protein bars. Try to stick to wholesome, real food!! Another thing is, it may say low sugar on the nutritional facts because they put it into the carbohydrate section so watch out for that.

These changes may not make a difference for some, thankfully we are all different and unique. This is what has helped me, among other changes. I would love to hear your story and what has helped you or if you find any success with the above things that have helped me! Comment below!


White Potato VS. Sweet Potato

Last weekend I hosted my first Food Prep Workshop. I thought my clients how easy it is to meal prep.

There is no need for measuring or making things stressful. I literally showed them exactly what I do. It was great to get direct feed back from people and learn how much the diet culture really has brained washed us!  We eliminated a lot of the BS and went back to basics. I talked about the top 10 food myths that diet culture has fooled us with.

The top shocker was:

The white potato🥔Vs.The sweet potato🍠

The white potato has earned a bad rep because of French fries and chips. But when you look at the nutritional difference, there is only a 5-10calorie difference in these potatoes. In conclusion, the white potato contains more protein, fibre and carbs while the sweet potato has more vitamin A and C and natural sugar.

So just eat which ever one tastes better to you! Potatoes are not something you should be stressing about. Also yes I am Irish but this is a non biased opinion😛

Please enlighten me with any questions or beliefs you have heard and wondered about food. Write them below!