In-Person Training

What you can expect

A full assessment on what movements are best for your body type and goals.

  • A full body warm up routine.

  • A full personalized training program to follow outside of our sessions.

  • Guidance on what weights to lift each week, when to push and when to pull back

  • Nutrition coaching and accountability to reach your goals

  • Education on the what how and why of what you are doing!

  • A whole lot of FUN!

Training Options & Pricing


• $95/session for a single training per week

• $85/session for 2-4 trainings per week

• $75/session for 5 trainings per week


• $65 per person/session for a single training per week

• $55 per person/session for 2-4 trainings per week

• $45 per person/session for 5 trainings per week

Chat with me

Ask questions, talk through concerns, or discuss your goals. I’m here for you, and I would love to connect. Schedule a call today!