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“Should I have cheat meals?”

I get this question a lot!

My honest answer is no.  I don’t think we should look at certain types of food as bad. If that’s the case we are always going to feel guilty after eating the bad food, as if you are a bad person for eating it.

I remember feeling so guilty and bloated on a Sunday night from binging on king size chocolate bars and sweets since Friday.

A “cheat day” led to a cheat weekend.

I’d lose all control when Friday hit and completely fall track.

My thought process was: I had already eaten ‘bad’ so I might as well try and squeeze as much chocolate as I can for the rest of the weekend!!

Ya feel me??

What I missed was, the reason I was getting this massive urgency to eat so much chocolate when Friday hit was because I was telling myself NO all week long!!

No high carb meals!

No chocolate and more cardio!!

No fucking wonder I wasn’t seeing any body change!! No wonder I was feeling so low about myself!

My body and mind were over stressed, restricted and feeling deprived of everything I wanted to eat.

I was in that scarcity mindset when it came to have a “cheat meal” it was like I had to eat as much of it as I could because come Monday it would be off limits again.

This does not get you results.

Now⏩you’ll see form my SM story’s, I eat a bit of chocolate everyday. I have a glass of wine if I feel like it. I don’t feel any way restricted and my workouts are shorter than ever with little cardio.

The funny thing is, I’m seeing the biggest results and feeling the strongest I’ve ever been!!

Now, it doesn’t matter what day of the week it is,

I eat like Friday everyday.